Thursday 19 April 2018

Thursday, April 19, 2018

We enjoyed some delicious sundaes today!!

Calendar - days of the week, months of the year, season, weather & a story

Language - students read the 3 letter words on their worksheet and then cut and pasted the correct pictures beside them.

Then we played a race to the pond game where we rolled a large die and moved on the circles according to the number rolled. When they landed on one they had to sound out the word in order to move to the next circle. 

Then students enjoyed 20 minutes of reading to their partners.

Math - we talked about how measuring with the same size makes a big difference in the outcome. Students then wrote out their names in each square of a grid and glued them in order from shortest to longest. 

There was no gym or french today as students were at the assembly and then enjoyed their ice cream sundaes afterwards!

UOI - students made a venn diagram comparing a car and a plane

Then they had some fun at centres. 

Have a great evening,
Ms. Bannon

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