Wednesday 11 April 2018

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Calendar - days of the week, months of the year, season, weather & a story (we read the story when I grow up) Students talked about what they came to school dressed as and why they chose that job.

Music - Ms. Hayward

Language - students played Beat the Clock again and this time were 2 letters away from beating the minute! We will try again tomorrow and see if they can:) Then students had to figure out which 3 letter word I was calling out from the whiteboard with the short vowel sound 'e' and they had to erase it. Then they completed 2 pages in their Writing With Phonics workbook.


Math- students had to figure out which animal was heavier and explain why. 

Gym - Ms. Yustin

French - Mlle. Jessica

UOI - students watched a short video on Mighty Machines

Then they had time for centres. 

Have a great evening,
Ms. Bannon

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